Thursday, July 18

Lots of Firsts

The past couple of years have been full of firsts and beginnings, first garden, first animals, beginning one or two (sarcasm) farm projects, first animal death, beginning to feel confident, and first disappointment.  This post marks the beginning of my first blog and I have been procrastinating because with so much knowledge out there I felt, well inadequate I guess.  But now I'm getting over myself finally and going with it because of all the blog reading I've done I have probably learned the most from "beginners". 

Searching, scouring, and devouring everything farming, natural, homesteading, husbandry, poultry, compost, fertilizing, organic, soil, and so many other keywords have made for many late nights and piled up dishes.  Sorry family.  There is so much information out there and sometimes it can be repetitive, but I think what I like the most is getting a different spin on things.  Things I have done over and over look completely different sometimes from another prospective and I feel a little dumber, yet totally gracious for this new knowledge. 

So I'll blog about what I've learned in my short time "farminghomesteadinggardening", what I want to do in the future, my family, our animals (probably too much), random weird chicken eggs, cooking & recipes, learning hard lessons, being grateful for what we have, living more simply, frugal ideas, things I've learned from others who are miles ahead of me in these sort of things, and anything else I find interesting along the way. 

(Insert cute animal photo here)
Synchronized relaxation

We may only be halfway to our goal but what is important to me is that we're on our way and I now know that the hardest step is always the first step.  Fear can be paralyzing, even the fear of success, so like all other 4 letter words...use them sparingly.